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Language: English Publication details: London : Bloomsbury ISSN: 20419112Subject(s): Interior decoration--PeriodicalsGeneral note: Retention time : 2018-2024 . The print subscription has been suspended. Issue 1, 2022 is missing. Available onlineOnline resources: Click here to access online Summary: Interiors: Design, Architecture, Culture brings together the best critical work on the analysis of all types of spaces. Interiors play a crucial role in the construction of identity and they represent power and control through the contestation or transgression of boundaries. Homes, offices, shopping malls, schools and hospitals, churches and restaurants are all embedded with meaning and evince particular, multi-sensory and psychological responses. This journal will investigate the complexities of the interior environment’s orchestration and composition and its impact on the inhabitant from a trans-disciplinary perspective.
List(s) this item appears in: Interiors Journals
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Reference (not for loan) Library Services Journals Journals Vol 12, No 2-3 (01/07/2022) Not for loan

Interiors: Design, Architecture, Culture brings together the best critical work on the analysis of all types of spaces. Interiors play a crucial role in the construction of identity and they represent power and control through the contestation or transgression of boundaries. Homes, offices, shopping malls, schools and hospitals, churches and restaurants are all embedded with meaning and evince particular, multi-sensory and psychological responses. This journal will investigate the complexities of the interior environment’s orchestration and composition and its impact on the inhabitant from a trans-disciplinary perspective.

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There are 1 subscription(s) associated with this title.

At library: Library Services

Location: Journals

Retention time : 2018-2024
Missing issues : Iss 1: 2022

Subscription from: 01/01/2022 to: 01/01/2024

The 4 latest issues for this subscription:

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Issue # Publication date Received date Status Note
Vol 12, No 2-3 01/07/2022 17/08/2023 Arrived July- November 2022

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